Nice shot of their kitchen.
Here is a shot of the car and side of the home.

This last photo pretty much sums up what I did sewing related this week. I helped salvage what I could from this room. A few fabrics and projects made it, but most were lost.

The firemen were so kind to my parents. The community has been kind in offering clothing, places for family to stay, discounts at stores, offers to do manual labor. I am so grateful to all for their kindness and support. The biggest loss is the vehicles as the one was liability insured only. Insurance will cover all of the home and its contents. Of course it's a challenge and cannot replace keepsakes, but at least they will have money to rebuild. A number of kind souls donated to a GoFundMe in my mother's name and with that money my folks hope to purchase a reliable car for the future. The Lord blessed them both with their lives and although difficult there have been many small blessings and tender mercies.